
Our service desk is here around the clock for all your questions and concerns. You can find us at the reception in building Europe.

Want to see the world of Atlas? Contact our Real Estate Agents. They will be happy to help and show you around.


Mart Schellekens
Consultant – CBRE B.V.
Advisory & Transaction Services
Anthony Fokkerweg 15,
1059 CM Amsterdam


Sophie F. Fabius
Consultant – Agency I Offices Amsterdam
Parnassusweg 727, 1077 DG Amsterdam


Yanti Rabelink
Consultant – DRS Makelaars
Amsteldijk 194,
1079 LK Amsterdam

Getting to Atlas ArenA

Atlas ArenA Amsterdam
Hoogoorddreef 15, 1101 BA
Amsterdam Zuidoost

  • Accessibility
  • Leisure & restaurants
  • Regional


  • Amsterdam Bijmer Arena – 8 min Johan Cruijff Arena – 7 min
  • City Center Amsterdam – 27 min
  • Luchthaven Schiphol Airport – 28 min Highways A2, A9 – 5 min Highway A10 – 7 min Highways A1, A4 – 11 min

Leisure & restaurants

  • Shop
  • Concert Hall
  • Arena
  • Restaurant
  • Hotel
  • Sport Complex
  • Cinema

Plan your journey

Select a transport planning app to find out how to get from A to B